Mastering art of cheating has become a typical affair in almost all card games. Amazingly, there are helpful guides of educating players’ n successful ways of cheating in marked cards game. These are exclusive guides if followed that can make an even a novice become a professional Marked Cards player. Most professional marked players know the helpful guides of the marked card cheating game.
All they need is the latest updates and newest mode of marked cards cheating game. Every newest update comes with specialized guides, impressively, other websites and companies offer guiding tips to beginners to apply in marked cards cheating game.
Methods of Marked Cards game
Marked cards games come with different ways of cheating based on a particular procedure of marked cards game. The marked cards that are illegally altered in a way that they show visible at the back known as marked cards. Cards marking involve readable designing at their backs, scratching or marking a mark unnoticeable or noticeable.
Many professional marked cards cheaters have already achieved perfect skills of playing cards. The important thing is to ensure marked cards are unnoticed by any other player. So, to gain this visibility, make the marks on the cards and ensure they are unnoticeable.
Identifying the crucial card on the game
Experienced cheaters or player already knows the vital card in the game so that they can identify it easily from sets of cards. Thus, they can first mark the high cards or any they wish. Even a little bending on the other side of the card will make it easier to identify a specific marked card on the game. The following are some of the useful methods of playing with marked cards:
Shading method for marked card
Shading method is one of the methods commonly used for making a marked card. Just as the “shading” implies shades or thickening complex portions of the cards, thus, mark data notifies its value. The marks made through shading system are unnoticed through a filter is always attached to the spectacle of the cheaters. Through this, the cheater will easily recognize the marked card.
Nicking Method for marked cards
Another useful method of playing marked cards is Nicking method. Nicking method is whereby a player cuts a little portion of the marked card without getting noticed by anyone.
Also nail marking is another alternative. The nicking process can be carried out several times with various cards. However, it all depends on the experience and efficiency of the player.
Daubing strategy
Another technique cheaters usually use to play marked cards is Daubing method. Daubing strategy involves using substances and ink known as a dauber. Daubing method consists of a technique of marking on the card sides or whichever side using a particular ink.
Also, here require using spectacles to trace the marking much easier. They are specifically designed to handle the marked cards. Marked cards glasses are also commonly known anti-poker device for a cheating poker card game that is also used.